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Today, I am sincerely sad. It’s Friday, September 28, 2018. (The Kavanaugh/Dr. Ford hearings were on Sept 27.)

This morning’s tsunami of comments on social media is simultaneously overwhelming and underwhelming. Yes, people need to say what they feel they need to say.  I cherish the First Amendment, and I’m taking advantage of it, right now.

Regardless of whether or not I agree with people’s points, I’m finding it particularly difficult to not alter or reinforce my opinions about each writer, based on what and how they say things. I fully expect that same phenomenon to be happening as you read this. This dynamic is part of what makes me sad. I truly want to engage everyone openly with love and care for who they are and what they say. However, if I keep reading these posts, I am afraid my desire to be loving and kind will diminish.

Here’s the second part of why I am sad on this particular day. I feel conflicted and hesitant with a decision I have made this morning. But since this decision is all about timing, I may eventually find that I should have taken my own advice from point number one in the book I am about to release. To be fair, I am going to PAUSE a bit and not post this immediately… Maybe a few hours will help.

After perusing only a portion of the wide array of recent proclamations on Facebook, one might think that someone should write a book about all of the online moral outrage, since it seems more prevalent than ever before. Well, someone did write a book… I did. And now that you’ve learned this bit of news, you might feel the need to clarify and say, “I wish someone really smart and insightful would have written a book!”

Back in late May of this year, I sketched out an outline based on some personal observations on how I should act and how I wished others might act in life, but especially in regards to social media. After careful consideration, I decided to try my hand at converting my thoughts into a book. It’s quite a scary proposition, especially when you are so familiar with your own inadequacies. Over the next months, I slogged through the process and then just sat on it for a month or so. After getting some encouragement from initial readers, I decided to have a professional editor help me finish it properly. Currently, an author friend of mine is writing the FORWARD. That’s cool.

If all goes well, sometime before Thanksgiving 2018, 13 THINGS will be made available on Amazon in paperback form and as a Kindle ebook. However, we are announcing a special FAMILY & FRIENDS pre-release version for purchase starting today. On October 10th, we will order copies based on these pre-sales. These pre-release versions will not be available after that. For full disclosure, please note that unless you coordinate directly with us to buy a larger quantity, you’ll pay a bit more now than what will ultimately be found on Amazon.

By purchasing now, two things will happen. First, you will help us start recouping the costs associated with the creation of the book. Second, you’ll have the chance to read the book before it’s available to the general public. My hope is that at least some readers will be ready to recommend it. This is important, since the marketing campaign will rely heavily on word-of-mouth recommendations.

The book is entitled 13 THINGS YOU CAN DO THAT ARE BETTER THAN YOUR MORAL OUTRAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA THAT WILL ALSO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. I just call it 13 THINGS. It’s a 5.5″ x 8.5″ paperback that is around 130 pages.

The extremely long title was originally intended to be more humorous than not. But in light of the wave of moral outrage on social media, you can see why we would make this announcement today. I’m sad for the reason and the timing. However, it also seems to be super appropriate.

J. Matt Wallace



You will need a credit card to complete this transaction. If you would like to order a large number of books and get a discount or use a different payment method, contact us. We will figure it out.



– Early comments –

“Thank you so much for writing the book, 13 Reasons!  It could not be more timely. My heart has broken at the way we have become such an uncivil people to one another. We are probably more divided than we have ever been on many levels and I think the very thoughtful book you have written and the suggestions you have given will go a long way towards fixing that problem.  You have done your part; now we need to change our hearts so that we accept your very good advice.  I love you lots!” – Dale Mixon

“It changed my entire perspective on Facebook. (It) taught me about how to observe my presence on social media during bad times… And I can’t thank you enough.” – Anne Hartory

Check out the front and back covers.



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