Chisholm County Article
An article was recently published about my wonderful wife, Miriam. It highlights the fact that we intentionally fight one aspect of the aging process. If you’re young, here’s a WARNING for you. The older you get, the less excited you are about “new things” and having to learn them. Hence, we battle.
Our dear friends, Simone & Brett Voss, just published an article about MutherMirm – our Twitch.TV creation. Simone & Brett helped us produce ADNAN FAR FROM HOME, so we already like them a lot – not just because the helped with our film. They’re cool. BUT…. they are even cooler now as they published a great article on Miriam and our work that enables MUSIC in the midst of a pandemic.
– Published by J Matt Wallace November 2, 2020

Check it out.
More importantly, check out and to treat yourself to some music and fun.
Twitch users chat LIVE with Miriam and J Matt Wallace during the regularly scheduled streams. Check the Twitch.TV channel for the latest schedules.