Miriam & I thoroughly enjoyed our time at the 2019 El Dorado Film Festival in El Dorado, Arkansas. The film programming was excellent and the company of filmmakers and local audience was delightful. It was also super nice to get such consistent positive feedback on our short film ADNAN Far from Home.
We were able to check out some fantastic features that we trust will eventually be available to the general public, but for now you have to catch them at film festivals.

The four features we saw were:
And while I can’t comment on every other film that was worth mentioning,

we did find it fun to be there with some “neighbors” from Waco, Texas. Maverick & Ryan were there to support their film MY DINNER WITH WERNER. It was truly funny and well done, spoofing the extreme

relationship between director Werner Herzog and actor Klause Kinski.
Posted by J Matt Wallace